Audio components can be sensitive to mechanical vibration, which limits their high fidelity performance. To keep vibrations away from your valuable equipment, Damp-It feet are a perfect solution having the maximum effect at the lowest possible price. These fabulous little devices are designed to be placed underneath bookshelf speakers or the original feet of sensitive equipment like turntables, all disc players, tube amplifiers and other components. Damp-It prevents the transmission of vibration when positioned on vibrating surfaces like glass, metal or thin wood panels. When Damp-It is used for both bookshelf speakers and a turntable, you can play up to 30% louder without the risk of acoustic feedback. Surfaces typically are excited by speakers, subwoofers or simply by low frequency emission caused by road traffic and transformers. Speaker cabinets and almost all of the feet of audio devices, like turntables, amplifiers, disc players are not designed to isolate sufficiently from the entire frequency range. Damp-It consists of a high-tech synthetic rubber material that dampens a wide frequency range from infrasonic to 500 Hz and therefore prevents transmission of structure-born sound very effectively. It works like an electronic subsonic filter, but without having their drawbacks. Because of its intelligent and rugged design, it can be used for all bookshelf speakers and any sensitive equipment with 3 or 4 feet and even with high-mass units weighing up to 20 kg.
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