All POSTERS in this collection are related to bands or solo artists associated with New Zealand record label FLYING NUN.
Many of these are one-offs, rare and frequently were part of the DIY Dunedin band ethos... enjoy browsing... if you have any queries, feel free to contact us!
Tip: Use drop down box (All Products) to narrow your search.
For POSTERS & ARTWORK SHIPPING RATES please contact us directly for the cost of shipping:
Please note that shipping rates are dependent on size, type of packaging, as well as weight.
NZ SHIPPING - Please select 'Standard Courier - Up to 3 POSTERS'
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING - Please contact us for the shipping rate:
For all BULK ORDERS please contact us directly for shipping costs:
Please note that images are usually accurate (photos taken by us), except where there is more than one in stock -- in which case the image may not be an exact depiction of the actual item in stock. All prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).
THE SHOCKING PINKS THE MINT CHICKS THE D4 Professionally framed. Original release poster. NZ SHIPPING & INTERNATIONAL...